[WEB4LIB] Perl script for Forms

Hambleton, John jhamblet at nmu.edu
Wed Jul 12 08:35:08 EDT 2000

I write my own custom form handlers in C++, but you
may find some perl scripts to your liking at the following

Good Luck.
Mr. H

At 09:50 PM 7/11/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello Web4Liber's
>I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction please?
>I will be putting up a form on a new web site to allow people to register
>for an online kids club.  I was planning on using a standard Forms
>cgi-script  to mail the information back to a specific email address  (I
>already have a very good free script to do this).  I would like an
>autoreply to go back to the responder thanking them for their membership
>application and ALSO (this is the bit I can't find!) giving them a
>membership number.  I would like the number to be automatically generated
>from a running number list.
>I have no knowledge in writing scripts so am looking for a downloadable
>perl script for UNIX that may meet my requirements.  Is this feasible?
>Any advice would be greatly appreciated,
>Kaye Hill
>Perth, Western Australia

+John S. "Dilbert" Hambleton
+The "ECTH" (Emergency Computer
++Technician Hologram)
+Olson Library
+Northern Michigan University
+Marquette, Michigan 49855
+NOTIS LMS 6.5.0, GTO 6.5.0
+Phone:   906-227-2741
+E-mail:  jhamblet at nmu.edu
+Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.
+"Please state the nature of the digital dilemma"

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