[WEB4LIB] Wireless laptops (was Re: Computer Training Room Specifications)

Richard Wiggins wiggins at mail.com
Tue Jul 11 16:05:48 EDT 2000

The allure of the live demo has always mystified me.  I've always refused to
do them.  Too much can go wrong, and when it does go wrong, not only have
you not made your point to your audience, you may have convinced the
Luddites that technology really doesn't work (and/or that you're a fool).  I
even wrote an article for the old Internet World on this topic; see
You can convey a lot with a produced video or a good Powerpoint presentation
in lieu of a live demo.

But the world insists on live demos...

So if I were you I'd ask the board member what exactly we're trying to
convey to the audience with the wireless access.  Is the library going to
offer wireless laptops to patrons within various branches?  That's a pretty
neat application.

Or are we just trying to show what the live Internet experience is like? In
either case, metropolitan wireless Internet access is a very different thing
than in-the-building-wireless-LAN-gatewayed-to-high-speed-Internet access,
and a remote demo may or may not convey what is really available in the

I'd set up a local Web server in the van and do wireless between the demo
client laptops and the Web server.  If the board insists on live Internet
links (from van to greater Internet) make it a caching server that does
wireless when it works but still lets you do a demo locally.

AT&T Cable has a van that's going around the midwest and in particular the
Chicago area to demonstrate broadband cable modem speeds.  I suspect
everything is canned inside the van.  I bet it's pretty slick. You might
catch up with the van and see how they do it.  If you don't get ads in the
mail for this, send me a private note and I'll find out the schedule.

------Original Message------
From: Jenny Levine <levinej at sls.lib.il.us>
To: Multiple recipients of list <web4lib at webjunction.org>
Sent: July 11, 2000 5:41:37 PM GMT
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Wireless laptops (was Re: Computer Training Room

Steve wrote:
"Hmmm, of course if you want cutting edge I might recommend 8-12 bleeding
edge laptops with wireless LAN technology, and all the applications listed
above. That way you'd be mobile."

Wow -- what a coincidence.  I was just about to send a message
asking if anyone is already doing this.  I have a member library that
wants to put together a "traveling roadshow" to take out into the
community.  They want wireless Internet access, so I'm hoping someone can
make some recommendations about brands, models, background articles,
etc., as well as any "I wish we would have..." hindsights.
Any inight is much appreciated!

Jenny Levine					125 Tower Drive
Internet Development Specialist			Burr Ridge, IL 60521
Suburban Library System				+1 (630) 734 5141
http://www.sls.lib.il.us/			levinej at sls.lib.il.us

Richard Wiggins
Consulting, Writing & Training on Internet Topics
www.netfact.com/rww         wiggins at mail.com
517-349-6919 (home office)  517-353-4955 (work)  
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