Wireless laptops (was Re: Computer Training Room Specifications)

Jenny Levine levinej at sls.lib.il.us
Tue Jul 11 13:34:55 EDT 2000

Steve wrote:
"Hmmm, of course if you want cutting edge I might recommend 8-12 bleeding
edge laptops with wireless LAN technology, and all the applications listed
above. That way you'd be mobile."

	Wow -- what a coincidence.  I was just about to send a message 
asking if anyone is already doing this.  I have a member library that 
wants to put together a "traveling roadshow" to take out into the 
community.  They want wireless Internet access, so I'm hoping someone can 
make some recommendations about brands, models, background articles, 
etc., as well as any "I wish we would have..." hindsights.
	Any inight is much appreciated!

Jenny Levine					125 Tower Drive
Internet Development Specialist			Burr Ridge, IL 60521
Suburban Library System				+1 (630) 734 5141
http://www.sls.lib.il.us/			levinej at sls.lib.il.us

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