[WEB4LIB] Sanity and web page creation

Randy Souther southerr at usfca.edu
Fri Jul 14 13:45:13 EDT 2000

You can control the text size using graphic images instead of HTML text.
This of course may introduce issues of file size and download time. And
there will still be variations in size due to different monitor
resolutions, etc. Even if there were a way to make the text look exactly
the same size for everyone (there isn't), you would still have people
complaining that it is too big or small.

Randy Souther
Reference Technology Librarian
Gleeson Library | Geschke Learning Resource Center
University of San Francisco

Email:  southerr at usfca.edu
Phone: (415) 422-5388

> I get requests from the Netscape users to make it bigger, and the IE
> users to make it smaller.  No two things can be coded the same way!
> I'm just trying to make a simple page for our library! Sigh!!!!Excuse
> my venting, but I know you people understand.If anyone has suggestions
> or comments, feel free to take a look
> at http://depts.alverno.edu/library
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