[WEB4LIB] Re: New free database from Gale

Audrey Kelly AKelly at lva.lib.va.us
Fri Jul 14 12:00:08 EDT 2000

Marcia et al -
Of course you want to know what's included!! This is one of the basic
principles of research, yet it is increasingly ignored, especially by
aggregators and other database producers. I find this trend frustrating and
irritating.  It is not possible to do a comprehensive search for an answer
without knowing what materials you have searched.  Not only do you need to
know if the full text of the journal is available, you must know the dates
of publication included.  Without some basic information about the content,
it's hit or miss searching and therefore hit or miss results.  


Audrey M. Kelly
Technology Consultant (and librarian)
Library of Virginia
Richmond, VA 
akelly at lva.lib.va.us

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcia S. Middleton [mailto:middlem at uhls.lib.ny.us]
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 10:43 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Re: New free database from Gale

Is there any documentation for how much of each title is actually
included?  My assumption is full text, but is it from printed journals
or their online versions or both and how complete is it?  

I know it's free, but the librarian in me still wants to know what's

Marcia S. Middleton
Automation Services Librarian
Albany Public Library
Albany, NY

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