Call: Internet Librarian International 2001, London (fwd)

d scott brandt techman at
Thu Jul 6 13:56:59 EDT 2000

Please excuse any cross posting...

Internet Librarian International 2001
Incorporating Libtech and co-located with the London International Book Fair
Olympia, London
26-28  March  2001

Call for Speakers

Information Today Inc., a key provider of technology conferences for more 
than  twenty years with the National Online Meeting and Computers in 
Libraries, is pleased to announce the 3rd annual Internet Librarian 
International ­ the ONLY international conference for information 
professionals who are using, developing, and embracing the Internet and 
World Wide Web, in their roles as information navigators, webmasters and 
web managers, content evaluators, intranet strategists, portal creators, 
product developers, searchers, educators, and more.  As the premier tools 
for library and information managers, systems librarians and researchers, 
Internet and related technologies are the focus of this conference.  The 
conference provides an active forum for our excellent speakers to explore 
with the attendees the many and exciting range of issues and challenges 
facing information professionals today.

Internet Librarian International 2001 caters to all interests and all 
levels of knowledge with three simultaneous tracks plus many workshop and 
networking opportunities as well as access to the London International 
Book Fair Exhibition.  Tracks and themes for this year’s conference will 
encompass:  Managing Content,  Web Tools & Applications, Internet & 
Intranet Resources, Managing Knowledge Assets, Distance Education, Case 
Studies of Internet and Intranet Librarians, Web Management, Digital 
Libraries & Virtual Services, Streaming Multimedia,  Integrating Library 
Systems & the Net, Web Design and Usability, and more.  Speakers are 
knowledgeable, authoritative and focus on practical applications and case 
studies as well as technical and managerial issues.  Please consider 
sending us a proposal to speak.  Below are some of the topics we hope to 
cover, but don’t let this list limit your imagination!  We look forward to 
hearing from you.

Intranet case studies                   Developing Internet skills
Digitizing collections                  Managing desktop access
Enterprise portals                              Online buying strategies
Cool Web tools: Java, XML, HTML         Acquiring & managing content
Web page & site design                    Integrating images, text & sound
Traditional vs. web-based suppliers     Information pricing strategies
Delivering services virtually                   Digital library case studies
Integrating Curriculum & the Net         Interfaces & screen design
Search engine tools & tips                 Electronic commerce
Licensing & negotiating for content     Document & image management
Knowledge management                    Copyright in the Eworld
Personalising web sites                         Information visualization
Publishing on the web                           Managing electronic resources
Internet delivery channels                      Future Net/Web strategies
Streamlining electronic document delivery
Capturing & delivering multimedia
Filtering & intelligent agents          Distance learning technologies
Developing & maintaining web sites    Digital archiving
Electronic / digital books                   Library systems & automation
Creating & supporting virtual communities
Security & authentication
Multimedia & image delivery               Net technology planning
Competitive/business intelligence       Health & science web resources
Tools for evaluating web resources      Lessons learned
Protecting & Using Intellectual property        New retrieval tools
Migrating databases to the Web           Collaborating with IT
Web developer tools & techniques                 Retooling budgets for the 
Usability testing for web sites                          Mining for 
Quality Information
Web policies & strategies                                Designing for the 
visually impaired
Grey literature & the web                            Reference Services on 
the web

Program Chairs  Jane I. Dysart, Dysart & Jones Associates
                          David I. Raitt, The Netherlands

Advisory Committee
Mary Auckland, The London Institute, UK
Daan Boom, KPMG, Netherlands
Catherine Edwards, University of Northumbria (eLib), UK
Christian Hasiewicz, Bertelsmann Foundation, Germany
Sigrun Klara Hannesdottir, NORDINFO, Finland
William Hann, Free Pint, UK
Cynthia Hill, Sun Microsystems, US
Bruce Hubbard, Hubbard Information Service, Denmark

If you would like to participate in Internet Librarian International 2001 
as a speaker, or workshop leader please contact the Program Chairs at the 
email/fax address listed below as soon as possible (by 14 August 1999 at 
the very latest).  Please include the following brief details of your 
proposed presentation: title, subject, scope, abstract, a few sentences of 
biographical information, and full contact information (title, address, 
email, phone & fax).   Abstracts will be reviewed by the Advisory 
Committee and notification regarding acceptance will be made by 
October.  If you would like to offer a half day pre-or post-conference 
workshop or seminar, please send the details of your proposed presentation 
to the co-chairs.
Jane I. Dysart                                   David Raitt
Dysart & Jones Associates               draitt at
  jane at   or               fax: +31 71 515 2712
dysart at
phone: 416/484-6129
fax: 416/484-7063

To receive the provisional programme brochure or exhibitor information, 
please contact:

Rubicon Communications Limited
Oxford Centre for Innovation
Mill Street
Oxford OX2 0JX     UK
phone: +44 (0) 1865 811145
fax: +44 (0) 1865 204950
email: info at

Information Today Inc.
143 Old Marlton Pike,
Medford, NJ 08055
phone: 609/654-6266
fax: 609/654-4309
email:  custserv at
Web site:

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