[WEB4LIB] Copy links from a web document and paste ONLY the URL's into Excel?

TMGB bennettt at am.appstate.edu
Thu Jul 6 11:12:28 EDT 2000

This might help you generate html pages in a form that you could extract
the info you need with scripts.  I haven't looked at this software
myself yet.  I've downloaded it a few days ago and am just now getting a
chance to read the full description.  It is open source which may be of
some value for others to investigate its possibilities.


Index Generator 2.2 
Copyright Mark Howard 1999-2000 
HTTP://www.idgen.org	questions at idgen.org

Run setup.exe for a full installshield installation program.
This is free open source software, no limitations on distribution

The Index Generator will quickly and easily create HTML documents
indexing other files. This index can be a sitemap, with file titles and
descriptions extracted from the files which were analysed for the index;
an A-Z index of all the HTML files and tags with ID attributes; a list
of all the links present in a set of document, which can be fitered down
to just absolute links, or even just email links; a list of all the
files in a directory. The file types can be filtered to go through the
drag and drop interface and all file titles will be remembered. All
settings can be saved in project files and indexes are highly

This is an open source project. Anybody and everybody can help out. 
Currently, help is needed with:
- Help documentation
- website - Cross-browser compatible DHTML
- Advertising banners
- Graphics
- Theme development
Please email development at idgen.org if you can help

Marshall Reeves wrote:
> Hello:
> Is there anyone out there who knows of a simple way to copy a link (or a
> column of links) from a web document, and then paste only the URL of the
> link/links into Excel? Or alternatively, paste the whole link into Excel
> (url plus label), and then somehow "strip" the labels off so that only the
> URL is displaying? Excel will let you paste links, and it recognizes them as
> such, meaning the URL text gets in there, but I just can't get it to display
> in a separate column from the label. I need this because I generate pages
> from a PERL script that inputs data in a delimited text file (dumped from
> the Excel spreadsheet). One of the fields is the journal title, and another
> is the URL.
> For instance, suppose you were at a web page listing the titles that a
> publisher includes in a database. The publisher is nice enough to list all
> the journals by title, and make each entry a link. This is fine for
> copying/pasting a title list in Excel, but it offers no way of getting the
> URL's for each title into the spreadsheet, without a lot of manipulation.
> I'm sure it can be done with VB or PERL or something, but one would think
> there would be a simple way in Excel to "PASTE/URL" or reformat a column to
> display the URL rather than the link label...this would be a natural under
> the "PASTE SPECIAL" menu option, but it's not there. Anyone got any ideas?
> thanks,
> Mars
> Marshall L. Reeves, Computer Applications Coordinator
> University of South Florida Virtual Library Project
> PH: (813)974-8599 FX: (813)974-5153
> Virtual Library homepage: http://www.lib.usf.edu/virtual/
> My homepage: http://www.lib.usf.edu/~mreeves/
> "We are alone, with no excuses." -- Sartre
> --

                      Rock and Rule
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Thomas McMillan Grant Bennett      Appalachian State University
Computer Consultant III            University Library
bennettt at am.appstate.edu          
Voice:  828 262 6587	           FAX:    828 262 3001

Windows 95 is a 32-bit extension to a 16-bit patch for an 8-bit
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 - Chris Dunphy     Boot Magazine

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