[WEB4LIB] Command Software -- Antivirus Program?

bmenk at hampton.lib.nh.us bmenk at hampton.lib.nh.us
Wed Jan 26 12:35:57 EST 2000

On 26 Jan 00, Merat, Carl wrote:

> Anyone know this product?  Opinions?

We've been using it for about 2 years running. All in all I'd say it's 
excellent at stopping those nasty bugs. It's always seemed to me a 
bit crankier than it needs to be with it's user interface - nothing 
serious, just awkward sometimes. 

My only serious objection was to a rather rotten rev that came out 
last fall. It would suddenly claim it couldn't see into the hearts and 
minds of certain zip files and force you to manually click "OK" - 
which made for merry hell on overnight AV runs.  They gave me a 
workaround pretty quickly, but it wasn't really solved until the next 
release about a month and a half later.

A mostly satisfied customer...

Bobb Menk, Internet Librarian, Lane Memorial Library
Hampton, NH 03842  603-926-3368
bmenk at hampton.lib.nh.us

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