[WEB4LIB] Re: E-mail in Public Libraries

Thomas Edelblute thomas at anaheim.lib.ca.us
Thu Jan 6 13:23:51 EST 2000

One of the ideas that has been proposed by librarians I work with is having
e-mail machines seperate from the Internet research machines.  For the former,
they could only be used with a debit card that would deduct money based on the
amount of time spent on the machine.

Dan Lester wrote:

> At 08:26 AM 1/6/00 -0800, Brent J. Pliskow wrote:
> >In the near future, it will be interesting how views will change as the
> >government will begin taxing for the use of e-mail.
> Oh, really?  That sounds like the resurrection of an old chestnut of an
> urban legend (or net legend).  It is right up there with taxing your
> connect time to your ISP, NM cookies, dying boys wanting postcards, and so
> forth.
> I won't even get into asking how that could possibly be done.....whether it
> would be by the message, by the byte, or by something else....
> Taxing internet sales is a definite possibility.....but email?
> cheers
> dan
> --
> Good, Fast, and Cheap: Which two of the three would you like?
> Dan Lester, 3577 East Pecan, Boise, ID 83716 USA 208-383-0165
> dan at 84.com   http://www.84.com/  http://www.postcard.org/

Thomas Edelblute
Anaheim Public Library

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