[WEB4LIB] Terminal Terminals

Alma garcia almag at mills.edu
Tue Feb 22 12:13:13 EST 2000

We have sold old terminals to Vecmar ( www.vecmar.com) They pay for the
shipping.  It's not a lot of money, but a great way to get rid of
recycle the equipment.  

Garet Nelson wrote:
> I apologize in advance if this has been covered in the past on this list:
> Our library recently has completed a migration to PC's and now has 15 VTxxx
> terminals we want to get rid of. I was wondering if anyone knows of some
> outlet that would take (buy or accept) these terminals off our hands??
> thanks in advance,
> -garet-
> Garet Nelson, Director of Library Instructional Technology
> Lyndon State College
> nelsong at mail.lsc.vsc.edu
> (802) 626-6446

Alma García		510-430-2021
System Administrator	510-430-3155 fax
Olin Library		5000 MacArthur Blvd.
Mills College		Oakland, CA  94613

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