[WEB4LIB] Re: Choosing Web Editors

Margaret F. Dikel mfriley at erols.com
Fri Feb 18 08:35:02 EST 2000

At 09:32 AM 02/17/2000 -0800, Rachel MacDonald wrote:
>Personally, I prefer HomeSite--but then I use it basically as a fancy text
>editor anyway.  I hate programs that won't let me control the exact markup,
>and avoid wysiwyg programs such as frontpage for this very reason.  

I have to laugh as I "listen" to this conversation.  Having dealt with
several web site hosts as an outsider page developer, I am always 
asked "what editor do you use."  When I say "NotePad," there is
always a sigh of relief from the other end of the line.   


Margaret Dikel, MSLIS    
11218 Ashley Dr.                The Riley Guide
Rockville, MD  20852         www.rileyguide.com
301-984-4229                    www.dbm.com/jobguide
301-984-6390 FAX           mfriley at erols.com

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