executing apps from HTML page

Mark Price markp at wccls.lib.or.us
Thu Feb 10 19:00:31 EST 2000

We want to make applications available from our webpacs which use IE5 as
their shell.  However, we keep getting that pesky MS "Do you want to run
from here or save to disk?" pop-up.  We don't want patrons saving things to
disk, especially when we don't allow them access to the disk in the first
place.  Does anyone have a solution that will in effect always tell Windows
that we want to run the app from here?  Thanks in advance.


Mark Price, Library Computer Specialist 
Washington County Cooperative Library Services
e-mail: markp at wccls.lib.or.us
voice: 503-356-0974 
fax: 503-591-0445

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