PC of your dreams--your wish list.

Michael Reagan mreagan at csun.edu
Thu Feb 3 13:08:24 EST 2000

As a web wonk, given expansive resources I would ask for *three*
computers, and the space to accommodate them:

First would be a PC with the current fastest processor, largest hard
drive, and a flat screen monitor that can be positioned far enough from
the eyes to be comfortable.  In my experience, you can't have too much

Second would be the crummiest, slowest, most brain-dead computer you
expect any of your web audience to be using -- to reality-test the
whiz-bang features that look so good on the new PC.

Third, if the budget stretches that far, would be a high-end Macintosh,
again for reality-testing web page features, and to support graphics in
a medium the graphics people are comfortable with and respect.  

Thanks for letting us share the pipe dream!

Michael Reagan   KK6WO                  Internet Database Librarian
mreagan at csun.edu                        University Library
(818) 677-4391    fax (707) 924-1405    California State University
home (626) 449-0996                     Northridge CA 91330-8327
pager (818) 828-1226                    http://library.csun.edu/reagan/
--... ...-- -.. . de gustibus non est disputandum -.- -.- -.... .-- ---

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