[WEB4LIB] Y2K aftermath (literally)

Dan Lester dan at 84.com
Wed Feb 2 11:26:06 EST 2000

Wednesday, February 02, 2000, 7:44:29 AM, you wrote:

T> It just dawned on me (why, I don't know but) that there were/are several
T> programs and screen savers out on the internet that did a count down to
T> Y2K.  I am now wondering, are these programs Y2K compliant.  If they
T> are, do they now increase the count but in the negative direction?  I
T> didn't download or run any so I am just curious if you have one, what
T> does it do now?

The one I have for Win9x does indeed count negatively.  It also has a
feature where you can set it for any other date.  Now you can know
exactly how many months, weeks, days, hours, or seconds it is until
Christmas, your retirement date, your life expectancy date, etc.  (It
gives a separate count for each of the above time intervals)


Dan Lester, 3577 East Pecan, Boise, ID  83716-7115  USA
dan at 84.com   www.84.com   www.postcard.org  208-383-0165

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