[WEB4LIB] Controlling popup windows in Netscape

Andrew Mutch amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Wed Dec 27 13:54:25 EST 2000


I would encourage you to start here:


and review the options under the "custtoolbar" settings.  I haven't worked with
Netscape on Linux so I don't know if you can do the same kinds of changes to the
"prefs.js" file.  If you can, look at my help pages that explain how (in
Windows) to change those default preferences.

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

Cindy Murdock wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have several thin clients at my library that run the linux version of
> Netscape in kiosk mode with no window manager, hence no X to click on to
> close a window.  This poses a problem when it comes to popup windows that
> open with no toolbar, as I've added a "Close Window" button to the toolbar
> to allow the user to close multiple instances of Netscape.  I thought I had
> a handle on the problem by using a program called Muffin to change any
> instance of "toolbar=no" in the javascript window.open function to
> "toolbar=yes", but to my chagrin I've discovered that Netscape's default for
> this function is toolbar=no when nothing is specified in the window.open
> statement.  Since there's nothing there, I can't use Muffin to replace it.
> Does anyone know of a way to change Netscape's default for this function?
> I've combed through the web4lib archives as well as Andrew Mutch's great
> page on securing Netscape, to no avail.
> TIA,
> Cindy
> Cindy Murdock
> Network Administrator
> Meadville Public Library
> www.meadvillelibrary.org

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