:CUE C.A.T. peripheral

Drew, Bill drewwe at snymorva.morrisville.EDU
Thu Aug 31 16:28:14 EDT 2000

This may be slightly or greatly off topic, but I found a new toy or tool to
use with my home or work computer.  It is called :CUE CAT.  It is a barcode
reader and software that allows you to scan any UPC or other barcode and
have a webpage come up that is either about that product or the webpage of
the company that produced that product.  A good example is scanning the ISBN
barcode off of a book, it will get you the webpage of the publisher.  You
can scan all kinds of things.
The best part is that this device is free at any Radio Shack Store.  I got
two last night on my way home from work. Forbes Magazine is including
special barcodes in their articles and ads.  You now have interactive print!

This item could have uses in libraries or by libraries to promote
themselves.  Library book marks could have a special barcode that when
scanned would take you to your library webpage.  Think of the possibilities.

For more detailed information, go to http://www.getcat.com.  I do not own
stock in Radio Shack or the company handling this product.

Wilfred (Bill) Drew
Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference
SUNY Morrisville College Library
drewwe at morrisville.edu
Home: http://www.morrisville.edu/~drewwe
Not Just Cows: http://www.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/njc/
Library: http://www.morrisville.edu/library/
Have Laptop -- Will Travel.

You see, I don't believe that libraries should be drab places where people
sit in silence, and that's been the main reason for our policy of employing
wild animals as librarians. 
- Monty Python skit 

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