[WEB4LIB] Re: Powering down PCs

Dan Lester dan at riverofdata.com
Thu Aug 31 16:19:24 EDT 2000

Thursday, August 31, 2000, 1:41:45 PM, you wrote:

AR> Anyone know how to do this with NT?  I have an NT 4 box (and 
AR> Administrator access) and can't find the setting to power down the 
AR> monitor during idle times.  The switch is way in the back and it's a 
AR> pain to reach.

AR> There's nothing on the topic in the Help, I couldn't find 
AR> instructions on the Web either.  Answers much appreciated!

Desktop | Properties | Screensaver
If the monitor is energystar compliant, the bottom of that panel
should show you the relevant options.  Same works in Win2k.


Dan Lester, Data Wrangler  dan at RiverOfData.com
3577 East Pecan, Boise, Idaho  83716-7115 USA
www.riverofdata.com  www.postcard.org  www.gailndan.com 

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