Controlled Vocabularies Resource Site

Gerry Mckiernan GMCKIERN at
Wed Aug 16 13:07:56 EDT 2000

                 Controlled Vocabularies Resource Site

   In response to my recent posting regarding the availability of the Power Point
presentations from the CENDI Conference on _Controlled Vocabulary and the Internet_ [ ]
I was reminder of a most impressive resource page maintained by Michael Middleton of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) who maintains an *excellent* resource page on 'Controlled Vocabularies' at: 

    The site includes  the following groupings Bibliography, 
Thesaurus building & use, Classification schemes Thesaurus sites,
Database of thesauri, Thesaurus software, as well as other resources notably entries for other compilations [found at the bottom of Michael's page]

/Gerry McKiernan
Theoretical Librarian
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at 

        "The Best Way To Predict the Future is to Assign It a Descriptor"
                                   With Apologies to Alan Kay

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