[WEB4LIB] New Books at Baker: New Book Titles Linked to eBookseller

Eric Hellman eric at openly.com
Sat Aug 12 21:10:33 EDT 2000

they're also collecting 20% commissions on sales of these items! 
Note the "from=hbsbb" in the link.

At 2:34 PM -0700 8/12/00, Gerry Mckiernan wrote:
>      _New Books at Baker: New Book Titles Linked to eBookseller Reviews_
>    In response to my recent posting relating to the linking of book 
>citations from a course Web guide to the Amazon.com record for the 
>title,  I have learned that the Baker Library at the Harvard 
>Business School through its 'Books at Baker"  service
>                   [ http://www.library.hbs.edu/bakerbooks/ ]
>                  [ http://www.library.hbs.edu/bakerbooks/recent/]
>not only provides access to a categorzied listing of new books in 
>its collection [http://www.library.hbs.edu/bakerbooks/recent/August/ 
>] but also links the citation for each book to the associated record 
>of fatbrain.com,
>another eBookseller
>[e.g., http://www.library.hbs.edu/bakerbooks/recent/August/IT.shtml ]
>     This is a most impressive service that I believe not only 
>benefits the HBS community but others who seeks access to an 
>organized, selected collection of quality monographs in the fields 
>of business, management, and many other related fields.
>      I'd be very interested in learning of similar efforts by 
>libraries of any type to provide linked access for selected library 
>titles to associated records in any and all eBooksellers.
>/Gerry McKiernan
>Amazon-like Librarian
>Iowa State University
>Ames IA 50011
>gerrymck at iastate.edu
>                               "Save the Time of the Reader"
>                                               Ranganathan

Eric Hellman
Openly Informatics, Inc.
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