[WEB4LIB] Re: Signing up the multitudes for Internet use

Brian Bannon Brian.Bannon at spl.org
Thu Aug 3 11:49:24 EDT 2000

We are currently researching solutions to this problem. We came across SRI and think that it has a lot of possibilities. 

SRI Strategic Resources has a software package that 
create an online booking system.  Patrons have the ability to book Internet time or a workstation, check or pay fines and register for a program from the convenience of a PC, and Touch Tone Phone.  

Here are some of the SRI Online Library features:

* Internet or PC Workstation Booking: 
·One session per person per calendar day. 
·Two weeks advanced booking. 
·Once a customer has logged on, no one else can log into that particular computer. 
·Automatic time out and log off with two warning messages 
·If a customer is more than 15 minutes late, the reservation is canceled and available for booking. 

* Program Registration
·Real-time search, book for classes/programs 
·Extensive subject search capabilities/ 

* Gathering Statistics
·Statistics on who is taking classes and attending programs
·Statistics on how people are using the services (taking classes in sequence, repeat attendance etc.) 

SRI Web Sites
http://www.sri.bc.ca/library.htm (Online Libraries)
http://www.sri.bc.ca/ (SRI Home page)
Contact: David H. Leung  
President  of SRI Strategic Resources A TELUS Company
DLeung at sri.bc.ca
Tel: (888) 799-6548

Richmond Public Library in Canada is currently using SRI products.  

http://www.rpl.richmond.bc.ca  (RPL home Page)

I hope this information is helpful. 

Brian Bannon
Library Instruction
Seattle Public Library
brian.bannon at spl.org 

>>> "Bill Teschek" <bteschek at hampton.lib.nh.us> 08/03/00 06:13AM >>>
> The archives don't speak to this issue very much, at least for the past
> few years.  So, if your library has any solutions which seem to
> work--whether automated or simply having sign-up sheets which the public
> fills out--please let me know.

   It won't solve your problem entirely but one trick is to create a 
few "email stations" or "quick reference stations" that can be used 
without signing up but are limited to about 15 minutes per person. 
That way all the people who just want to log on quickly and check 
their email have a way of doing so on their own and your staff won't 
have to sign as many people up. There's a slight downside with 
having to chase people off who stay more than 15 minutes when 
others are waiting, but it might be worth a try.

Bill Teschek
Assistant Director
Lane Memorial Library
2 Academy Ave.
Hampton, NH 03842
bteschek at hampton.lib.nh.us 
(603)-926-1348 (fax)

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