Tracking Clicks locally

phgray at phgray at
Mon Apr 3 16:03:28 EDT 2000

OK --
This is either so simple I am just overlooking it --
or so totally impossible that I should know better than to ask -

We use Netscape as our front end.
On our page is a menu of I'net-based resources --
I would like to be able to track AT LEAST the number of times that each of
these links was clicked.

Other items of info such as amount of time spent at that site would be
nice -- but I realize that is really getting out into the smoke --

Any ideas?
Is there any kind of syntax or scripting that would identify each time a
specific link was clicked and store that in a file somewhere.

We do NOT have ready access to our web server in terms of installing any
applications on it -- so any solution would almost HAVE to be strictly
within the local workstation.

Any suggestions welcome -
Paul H. Gray
LR Manager - Library LAN
TCCD Northeast Campus Library
828 Harwood Road
Hurst, TX
VOICE: 817-515-6623  FAX: 817-515-6275

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