[WEB4LIB] Script to configure browser for proxy?

Stephen Treger stephen.treger at sdsu.edu
Wed Apr 5 10:25:56 EDT 2000

Attached (or included) is a small HTML file that will use javascript to 
automatically modify a Netscape proxy setting.  You can also create a IE 
compatible version.  We didn't use this method for a few reasons. How will 
you handle, Opera or other browsers? What about changing the setting BACK?

I highly recommend a URL rewriting proxy that works without any client side 
configuration at all. We deployed EzProxy ( http://www.usefulutilities.com 
) and can now proxy any authenticated user regardless of their ISP (they 
could be at a Cyber-cafe and still get access).  The biggest concern and 
argument against have them modify the settings are some ISPs (AOL) require 
the user to use their proxy. And,  when the user is done using your 
resources and wants to surf the web to don't want to proxy that traffic.

At 11:47 AM 4/4/00 -0700, Alicia Abramson wrote:
>Has anyone configured a script to help users configure their Web browsers
>for a proxy server?  It would be so much easier if we could automate this
>part of the process of using a proxy server since so many users have
>difficulty with this--even with detailed instructions.  The most common
>error seems to be mis-typing the URL--with the wide range of computer
>skills out there, many people don't think to copy and paste the URL from
>our instructions page (or can't), and use ';' instead of ':' or just spell
>something wrong.
>Ideally, someone could "click here" to set up their browser and,
>presto-chango, it would be done!
>Has anybody figured out an better way than just providing instructions and
>a troubleshooting form? FYI, we use an automatic proxy configuration script.
>Alicia Abramson
>Director, Library Information Systems
>University Library
>California State University, Sacramento
>abramson at csus.edu
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Stephen Treger, OS Analyst		| Phone:    619 594-5859
Malcolm A. Love Library, SDSU		| Fax:      619 594-8982
WWW http://fezzik.sdsu.edu		| mailto:treger at sdsu.edu
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