[WEB4LIB] Re: Word

Thomas Dowling tdowling at ohiolink.edu
Thu Sep 16 14:38:50 EDT 1999

> ...you may find that the easiest path technically (if not financially)
> would involve upgrading to Office 2000.

I'm sure the good folks at Sun would be happy if you took a look at Star
Office.  I have no idea if you can lock down its preference settings (I
suspect you just make its .ini file read-only), but it is free for the
[60MB+] download and probably does whatever you're willing to support on a
public workstation.

<URL:http://www.sun.com/staroffice/> for info.

Thomas ("What, no Digital Unix version?") Dowling
OhioLINK - Ohio Library and Information Network
tdowling at ohiolink.edu

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