[WEB4LIB] Search Engines: Buy, Rent, Write?

Avi Rappoport avirr at lanminds.com
Wed Sep 1 20:25:42 EDT 1999

If you're talking about a front end to your library catalog, I defer to others.

If you mean searching HTML or other standard file formats, you may be 
able to request a special section of your University's search engine 
(which seems to be the very nice Phantom application).  Otherwise, 
please check out my site, <http://www.searchtools.com/> for 
information on web site searching from simple Perl scripts to 
high-end institutional search engines.   This is a server function, 
however, and even Java implementations are server-based.

Hope that helps,


At 9:32 AM -0700 9/1/1999, John Hambleton, Academic Information Services wrote:
>This is a request for your opinions:
>I want to provide a search engine for our library's web presentation.
>What's the best route to go? Buy one, lease one, or write one?
>I assume the most code is available for UNIX/Linux or WinNT?
>What about Novell?
>If writing one wins out--there's writing for the client side (JavaScript or
>Java) or server side (TCL, Perl, C if UNIX; Maybe Visual Basic in WinNT?).
>Which works out best?
>Looking for any/all suggestions on the subject. Thanks much in advance.
>Mr. H
>* John S. Hambleton                LMS      6.5.0 *
>* Olson Library                    GTO      6.5.0 *
>* Northern Michigan University     CICS     2.x   *
>* Marquette, Michigan 49855        MVS/ESA  4.x   *
>*                                                 *
>* Phone:  906-227-2741                            *
>* E-mail: jhamblet at nmu.edu                        *
>*   Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.    *

Avi Rappoport, Search Tools Maven: <mailto:avirr at lanminds.com>
Guide to Site Indexing and Local Search Engines: <http://www.searchtools.com>

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