Odd Problem

Michael Dargan darganm at maple.iren.net
Tue Oct 19 22:07:58 EDT 1999

I have about 30 computers on my library network.  Several Macintoshes, a 
few Win95s, a couple of Win3.xs, and the rest are DOS.  All have static 
IP addresses.

>From remote sites I can run tracerts to the Windows and Macintosh 
machines with no problem.  However, tracerts to the DOS machines never 
get past the IP address of the router's serial port.  I just get asterisk 
after asterisk.

The DOS machines are all using packet drivers (SMC, 3Com, DLink, WD) and 
have the IP address set in a CUTCP config.tel.  All are used only for 
telnet and work just fine--they're very fast.

Why do you suppose I can't run tracerts to the DOS machines and is this 
anything I should worry about?

Thanks for your help.

Michael J. Dargan                               office: 319 291 4496
Technical Systems Administrator                    fax: 319 291 6736
Waterloo and Cedar Falls Public Libraries         Waterloo, IA 50701

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