[WEB4LIB] Use of Non-Roman Character Sets on Public Web Browsers

Di Clarke di_clarke at bond.edu.au
Sun Oct 10 18:41:11 EDT 1999

hi Charles,

We have installed NJWIN on our public access workstations in the libray,
and our Asian students love it. It supports all Chinese, Japanese, and
Korean (CJK) coding standards and is very easy to use, simply a matter of
selecting from a drop-down list. More information is available at


At 11:40 8/10/99 -0700, you wrote:
>We are considering the question of whether to install non-roman fonts
>(e.g., Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) on public workstation Web browsers.
>What are other academic libraries in English speaking countries doing in
>this regard?  If such support is provided, how are decisions made about
>what languages to support?   What human resources (e.g., linguistic
>expertise), financial, technical, or user support issues have emerged? 
>Thanks for your help.
>Best Regards,
>Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Assistant Dean for Systems,
>University Libraries, University of Houston, Houston, TX
>77204-2091.  E-mail: cbailey at uh.edu.  Voice: (713) 743-9804.
>Fax: (713) 743-9811.
Di Clarke			
Electronic Services Librarian	
Bond University		
Gold Coast QLD		ph: +61 07 55953362	
Australia 4229		fax: +61 07 55951536	

di_clarke at bond.edu.au	

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