[WEB4LIB] Postcards and IIS

Jenny Levine levinej at sls.lib.il.us
Wed Nov 24 15:14:57 EST 1999

	I implemented a postcard script for the LaGrange Public Library,
but it's not nearly as complex as the Smithsonian one.  You can view it
by going to http://www.lagrangelibrary.org/ and following the "Send a
Postcard" link.
	I used a Perl script I found on the Web and received permission
to use the "READ" clip art from the Library PR site
(http://www.ssdesign.com/librarypr/).  Someday I hope to let my
libraries implement postcards of their own making (for example, pictures
from digitizing projects, etc.), but I haven't had time to pursue this.
The script isn't the most secure thing in the world, but it does only
allow email sent from our referring domain.  We're running a Unix
server, but I imagine you could port the Perl script to an NT
	I can dig out where I found the script if you'd like.

Jenny Levine				125 Tower Drive
Internet Development Specialist		Burr Ridge, IL 60521
Suburban Library System			+1 (630) 734 5141
http://www.sls.lib.il.us/		levinej at sls.lib.il.us

rpage at okstate.edu wrote:
> Hi! One of my librarians has asked us to implement a "postcards" function,
> similar to what she found at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries site
> (http://www.sil.si.edu/card.html). I've been hunting around, but haven't
> found anything specifically called "postcard" functionality (CGI, EXE,
> etc.).
> Has anyone implemented this type of function, in a secure (especially from
> spammers) manner, using MS IIS4 on NT? If so, I would be very interested in
> how you did it and what you used.
> BTW, I did send this question to the Smithsonian, but their form for
> contacting the Webmaster indicated that it could be several weeks or months
> before I receive any sort of response.
> Thank you,
>      Richard
>  Richard M. Page                              | Voice      (405) 744-5347
>  Library Systems Department                   | Fax        (405) 744-7579
>  224A Library, Oklahoma State University      |
>  Stillwater, OK 74078-1070                    | E-Mail: rpage at okstate.edu
> =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= http://el0455.lib.okstate.edu/ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=

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