[WEB4LIB] Re: Blocking web-based chat

Christopher Jackson cjackson at monroe.lib.in.us
Wed Nov 24 12:14:57 EST 1999

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Drew, Bill wrote:

> Before calling blocking of chat sites censorship, check on the definition of
> censor:
> "to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered
> objectionable"

How can using a blacklist of mail/chat URL's to deny access not be
considered censorship?  You've decided to offer access to the World Wide
Web, but then deny access to certain "examined" addresses because their
functionality is considered objectionable.  That's censorship.  It may be
justifiable. It may be laudable.  It's still censorship.

I'm sure we can quibble about the semantics of the word forever.  But in
keeping abreast of these issues, I notice that nearly all censors claim,
"What we're doing is not censorship."  I think it would be more helpful to
own up to it and justify it.  

Certain categories of speech are not appropriate in certain
settings--e.g., yelling "fire" in a theater, and "chatting" on scarce PC's
designated for research purposes.  If you must censor, do so.  But do it
honestly, deliberately, and carefully.

    Christopher Jackson                    cjackson at monroe.lib.in.us	
    Reference/Automation Librarian         voice: (812) 876-1272
    Monroe County Public Library           fax: (812) 876-2515
    Ellettsville, IN  47429                http://www.monroe.lib.in.us/

> This is not what the topic is about.  Please be careful when using such hot
> button words.  Filtering is censorship.  The blocking of chat or e-mail
> sites is not.
> -----
> Wilfred (Bill) Drew
> Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference
> SUNY Morrisville College Library
> drewwe at morrisville.edu 
> Home: http://www.morrisville.edu/~drewwe 
> Not Just Cows: http://www.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/njc/ 
> Library: http://www.morrisville.edu/library/

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