[WEB4LIB] Text in gifs

Tammy Astner astner at fis.fis.utoronto.ca
Fri May 28 15:49:11 EDT 1999

Hello Everyone,

I have been "lurking" on the list for quite some time and have been
impressed with the willingness of Web4Libbers to respond to questions.
 I am still in my graduate program (at the Faculty of Information
Studies at the University of Toronto in Canada), and I am an amateur
at web development and systems (some of the discussions here are over
my head!).  I have a question that I hope is appropriate for the list.

I have volunteered to do a web page for non-profit association (Al
Ritchie Community Association).  I am having difficulty creating gifs
with text.  My problem is that I can't seem to create text with smooth
edges (the only graphics programs I have are Adobe Photoshop (light
edition) and Corel Draw).  I have tried checking out various manuals
for the software I am using (although the reduced features in
Photoshop's light edition complicates my efforts somewhat).  One book
suggested that if I use Adobe's products, I should have the "Adobe
Type Manager".  I have been reluctant to try this because it means
purchasing the software without really knowing whether it will do the
job (I think the need for the Adobe Type Manager has something to do
with the "font wars" between Adobe and Microsoft/Apple?).  I know that
it is important to ensure the "anti-aliasing" box is checked.  I have
also checked out various sources on the web (Photoshop tutorials,
How-to graphics sites, and Adobe's customer support database):

Create a Heading with Photoshop:
(I followed the instructions in the above)

Yale Graphics Style Guide

Troubleshooting Jagged Type 1 Font appearance......

Despite all my attempts to figure this out, I'm still lost (maybe I
need to take a graphics course).  The page I am working on is at
http://www.dlcwest.com/%7eritchie/  (the left frame contains the gifs
with the fuzzy text). Any suggestions very much appreciated. Thanks,

Tammy Astner
Graduate Student
Faculty of Information Studies
University of Toronto, Canada

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