[WEB4LIB] Feedback

John Rosenhamer jrosenhamer at okc.cc.ok.us
Thu May 27 11:01:07 EDT 1999


We went from the situation you mention to a form based method.  
We have used a third option, if I understand your question (or maybe #2)
Our page is HTTP://sirsi.okc.cc.ok.us

Once you are there you can click on either Ask a Librarian or Library Forms. (Our director
was not sure patrons would understand "ask a librarian" so we have the library forms two places,
the question forms are only under "ask")

We like the idea of having the patron decide what they want to do and linking that form to
the person who can either answer the question or start the process on its way.


John H. Rosenhamer
Technical Services Libraian
Oklahoma City Community College
7777 S. May Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK   73159

jrosenhamer at okc.cc.ok.us

(405) 682-1611 Ext. 7229
FAX  (405) 682-7585

>>> Donna G Stevenson <dstevens at darwin.helios.nd.edu> 05/26/99 03:51PM >>>
I am hoping someone on this list might be able to give me some advice.  At
the bottom of our library Web pages we have an email address for feedback
which goes to a small listserv of people who answer the comments and
questions we get which can be extremely varied - comments, technical
problems, reference questions, etc.  We are considering two other

(1) One is to link each Web page to a simple feedback form.  On this form
the person can choose their topic (such as technical problem or reference
question)  from a radio button list, and what they choose determines who
gets that particular feedback. 

(2) Or option 2 is to link each Web page to an intermediary feedback page
which lists the specialized forms that have been developed for particular
problems.  So the page lists the links to the reference form, purchase
suggestion form, etc. 

Was that clear?  Does anyone have any experience with this, or know of
any resources that might give me an idea of what the right approach is? 
Though we are happy to get feedback, we have not yet perfected our
approach to getting the questions to the right people within our
organization! :) 


Donna Stevenson, Web Services Librarian   Email:  stevenson.20 at nd.edu 
University Libraries of Notre Dame        Phone: (219) 631-3543
G131 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN     http://www.nd.edu/~dstevens 

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