[WEB4LIB] Re: Library home pages

sean dreilinger sean at savvysearch.com
Wed May 12 20:25:41 EDT 1999

Jacqueline Lesch wrote:
> While normally a WEB4LIB lurker, I thought I would voice an opinion here.
> Yes, the catlog and indexes/databases are obvious choices, however, what
> do these terms really mean to our library patrons and website users?

to experienced computer and internet users, the terms database, index,
catalog, etc. already have meaning, and the library-specific use is
misleading them.

to new computer and internet users, library jargon can simply confuse
and alienate them.

to library professionals the jargon can help establish the sense of
community, e.g. whoever maintains this web space works in the library

depending on the desired audience/user community, a library may wish to
adjust the tone and content of its web content, design, and services.

> Library jargon can be very frustrating to non-librarians, especially on
> a website where you cannot walk up to a librarian and ask for
> assistance. Terms like: OPAC, Catalog, Databases, & Electronic Indexes
> are best reserved staff meetings and should be replaced on websites more
> desciptive titles or phrases.

if library users IRL are like web users, they do not ask for help.
simple-language access to library resources on the web may keep web
users around the site longer than the same resources provided through
jargon access points.

i used the library daily as a kid, religiously through college, knew
what the reference materials were, but never knew what a ``reference
librarian'' was until graduate school. never suffered a bit from not
knowing, and think the libraries i grew up in did an excellent job of
providing access w/o attitude!

mailto:sean at savvysearch.com                sean dreilinger, mlis
 http://www.savvysearch.com                http://durak.org/sean

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