Recommendations on web design firms

Tue May 11 11:43:53 EDT 1999

Our university is thinking about re-vamping our Web site, and one of the options on the table is to hire a Web design firm, or a marketing firm with web design experience, to do the external pages.  We'd like to find some firms who have successfully worked with universities, if possible.  

Does anyone have any recommendations for web design firms, preferably firms who have worked with higher educational institutions?

Please reply to me, and I will be happy to summarize responses for the list.

Thank you very much!

Ann M. Tenglund
Coordinator of Library Computer Services & Bibliographic Instruction
Dynix_L Listowner
Friedsam Memorial Library
St. Bonaventure University
St. Bonaventure, NY  14778   USA
Phone:  (716) 375-2378    FAX: (716) 375-2389
e-mail:  ateng at

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