[WEB4LIB] Re: Browser cache size and maintenance

Jay Smith smithj at pls.lib.ca.us
Tue Mar 9 14:00:17 EST 1999

At San Mateo County Library, Foster City and San Carlos branches,
I clear the cache and copy a fresh bookmarks file on public Internet
terminals.  I've also set up an icon to do these things, on our
Reference Desk computers, and I encourage librarians at the Reference
Desk to clear the public Internet terminal caches several times a
day, mainly to keep the boot time short for these public terminals.
Clearing out a few megs of cache on boot up takes so long! 

   Jay Smith                      voice (650) 591-1110 ext. 335 (Tuesdays)
   Reference Librarian            fax (650) 591-1585   (Tuesdays)
   San Mateo Co. Library          voice (650) 574-4842 ext. 235 (Wed-Fri)
   Technical Support Group        fax (650) 572-1875   (Wed-Fri)
   Peninsula Library System       smithj at pls.lib.ca.us

   San Carlos Library, 610 Walnut St., San Carlos, CA 94070
   Foster City Library, 1000 E. Hillsdale, Foster City, CA 94404


On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Charles P. Hobbs wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Robert Sullivan wrote:
> > For those of you with secured public computers:
> > 
> > Do you go around at regular intervals and clear your browser cache files so
> > your disk doesn't become clogged?  How do you handle it when it means undoing
> > and redoing the security?
> > 
> I set up our public computers to clear the cache every time the machine
> starts up (autoexec.bat). Otherwise it was sometimes taking 15 minutes to
> clear the cache!

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