Marc Davis davis at revelation.unomaha.edu
Mon Mar 8 18:11:41 EST 1999

I use GIMP when I happen to find myself doing graphics and web on one or
another of my Linux workstations or one of our Linux servers.  It's fairly
equivalent in look/feel/functionality to Photoshop.  And, of course, the
price beats Photoshop hands down.


On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Roy Tennant wrote:

> I recently ran into a program called the GNU Image Manipulation Program
> (or, you guessed it, "The GIMP" -- and don't hassle me, I didn't think it
> up). It is suppposedly a full-featured image editing program similar to
> Adobe Photoshop. It is Open Source software (distributed under the GNU
> Public License) and runs under Linux. The web site is at
> http://www.gimp.org/ . Has anyone out there used it yet?  What do you
> think of it? I'd especially like to hear from anyone who has used both The
> GIMP and Photoshop. Thanks, 
> Roy

Marc Davis         University Library        UNOmaha
     6001 Dodge Street     Omaha, NE, 68182-0237
  	(402) 554-4949  |  Fax (402) 554-3215
	     davis at revelation.unomaha.edu
     "We'll burn that bridge when we come to it."

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