[WEB4LIB] Re: Web based email programs

bmenk at hampton.lib.nh.us bmenk at hampton.lib.nh.us
Thu Jun 24 10:23:17 EDT 1999

On 24 Jun 99, Prentiss Riddle wrote:

> I've seen this question come up a couple of times before on Web4Lib.
> Maybe a summary should be added to the list of resources on the Web4Lib
> web page.
> A few free web-based mail readers that have been mentioned include:
>  http://netbula.com/anyemail/
>  http://www.atdot.org/
>  http://web.horde.org/imp/
<end snip>

It may also be helpful for we NT-driven UNIX-illiterates, since so 
many web email programs are perl-based, to know that there is a 
self-extracting, self-installing version of perl for NT & Win9X 
available from ActiveState in Vancouver BC at 

I found it a huge relief to have something that would get perl up and 
running rather painlessly on my NT servers so that I could spend 
my time figuring out how to use the applications rather than 
debugging my perl installation and figuring out how to do "make 
file" or "chmod" without UNIX.  I'm a satisfied customer, nothing 

More directly related to this thread, I can say that we've been using 
WebMail for about six months and been quite satisfied with it. 
Would I have chosen something else if I'd had perl available at the 
time?  Maybe, maybe not. ;>.

Bobb Menk, Internet Librarian, Lane Memorial Library
Hampton, NH 03842  603-926-3368
bmenk at hampton.lib.nh.us

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