Headlines from the June 1 edition of the Library Journal Academic Newswire

Weiser, Allison (Cahners-NYC) aweiser at cahners.com
Tue Jun 1 12:51:27 EDT 1999

Headlines from the June 1 edition of the Library Journal Academic

	--Copyright Office recommends updating fair use exemptions 
	for distance education 
	--NIH posts comments about E-biomed
	--Kaufman named university librarian at U. of Illinois
	--Millions designated for academic libraries in Nevada  
	--Cornell acquires Wordsworth volumes
	--U. of Colorado Health Sciences library undergoes 
	--OCLC's Cooperative Online Resource Catalog project holds 
	its first meeting
	--NY Academy of Medicine appoints director of information 

The newswire also includes sections on people and jobs.  For information or
to subscribe to the Newswire, plesase go to

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