[WEB4LIB] Re: Creating an icon

jay jay at ccpl.ci.corpus-christi.tx.us
Thu Jun 17 15:56:06 EDT 1999

Can't you just create an image map? Wouldn't that do the trick?


David Merchant wrote:

> At 09:43 AM 6/17/99 -0700, Chris Gray wrote:
> >.ico is separate format; you need a special editor to create icons.
> >
> >I tried out the shareware AX-Icons editor for a similar logo-to-icon
> Actually, you can create a .bmp image, rename it to a ,ico extension and
> viola', you have a new icon.  I've taken small .gif images, resaved them as
> .bmp images and then renamed them to .ico extensions and they've worked
> perfectly fine as icons (at least on a PC).
> Thus any image program that can convert to .bmp format will do, and the ol'
> Windows Paint program will create/alter .bmp formats.
> David Merchant
> Systems Librarian, Louisiana Tech University  <www.latech.edu/tech/library/>
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