Saying no to porn sites from our library's home

Debora Seys dseys at
Thu Jul 15 12:48:25 EDT 1999

Someone has said this already, but it bears repeating...
There are sites 'worse' than porn.  As a Jew I would be
more offended sitting next to someone viewing an Aryan White
supremacist site than I would be sitting next to a porn site...
Why should you try to protect only *some* of your users from
what they find offensive?

I also agree with whoever said you should just put your policy
up front if you must.  I find the 'sex sites' link too coy.

Debora Seys (dseys at               HP Labs Research Library
Information Solutions Specialist             1501 Page Mill Road, MS 2L10 
ph 650/857-3895 fx 650/857-2066              Palo Alto, California 94304 

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