Saying no to porn sites from our library's home page

Hanan Cohen hananc at
Thu Jul 15 11:24:47 EDT 1999

We have a computer class in our library where we let people use them for
accessing the internet (including mail and irc).

We don't want people to surf to porn sites but we also don't want to get
into the censoring business. 
So, I have put a link from our home page to "sex sites". Naturally, this
is the first link people click. It links to a page saying : 
"viewing nude pictures sould be done privately and 
some people are offended by exposure to such material 
surfing to porn sites from the library is forbidden.
whoever is cought surfing porn sites will be asked to leave the library.

What do you think about our strategy ?


Hanan Cohen

Qiriat-Gat Central Library
Kibbutz Tamuz - Beit Shemesh
***Love and Peace***

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