[WEB4LIB] CGI/PERL list? (was Re: perl print Location)

Mark Ellis mark.ellis at rpl.richmond.bc.ca
Wed Jul 28 12:28:46 EDT 1999

If you're running Perl on Windows, the Perl-Win32-Web list among others
hosted by ActiveState may also be of interest to you.  See 
http://www.activestate.com/support/mailing_lists.htm for details.

Mark Ellis
Network Support Analyst	     Phone: (604) 231-6410
Richmond Public Library	     E-mail: mark.ellis at rpl.richmond.bc.ca
Richmond, British Columbia

-----Original Message-----
From: David Merchant [mailto:merchant at bayou.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 6:35 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] CGI/PERL list? (was Re: perl print Location)

Liz's question (which I hope she gets an answer to, I'm curious as to why
her script doesn't work well with IE 5) brings up another question for me:
are there any good CGI / PERL discussion lists around?  I've searched and
the one I used to be a member of, CGI-L Common Gateway Interface list
<CGI-L at vm.ege.edu.tr>, doesn't seem to be existing any more.

David Merchant
Systems Librarian, Louisiana Tech University 
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