[WEB4LIB] Optimizing Images on the Web

Joy Schwarz schwarz at AXP.WINNEFOX.ORG
Fri Jan 29 14:33:16 EST 1999

Donald -

I've used GifBot at < http://www.netmechanic.com/GIFBot.htm >.  I like it
because it creates several optimized versions of the image, and allows 
you to compare the "optimized images to the original and select the best 
trade off between image quality and file size."

Joy Schwarz                           |  Any sufficiently
Web Coordinator/I.L.L. Librarian      |  advanced technology
Winnefox Library System               |  is indistinguishable
Oshkosh, WI  USA                      |  from magic. 
http://axp.winnefox.org               |      Clarke's Third Law  	
http://oshkoshonthewater.com                 Arthur C. Clarke

> My library's new homepage looks nice, but I've had reports that the images 
> on it are slow to load for some folks. I would like to find some way of 
> optimizing the images (making them small) without damaging the quality of 
> the images.
> Has anyone on the list had experience with this? Any software product you 
> would recommend?

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