Video on the Web

Andrew I. Mutch amutch at
Thu Jan 14 08:48:56 EST 1999


This is a two-part question:

I've been given the assignment of placing a VHS video onto our web site
for people to view.  The first step is to convert the video into a
digital format.  Next, this digital copy has to be converted into a file
that can be viewed by the masses.  The most straight-forward solution I've
seen is to convert this into a RealVideo format and to stream it off our
web server to interested parties who can view it using the freely
available RealPlayer.  So, here's the questions:

1) How does one go about "capturing" a video onto a PC - what hardware,
software, etc. is necessary to do this.  More importantly, for those who
have done this, what issues do I need to be aware while doing this that
would normally go past a newbie?

2) What is the most effective way to make a digitized video available to
web visitors?  The RealPlayer way seems the most effective to me but I
would be interested in hearing how others are doing this and what their
recommendations are.


Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Chater Township of Waterford, MI

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