Using NetMeeting to interact with remote patrons

Wilfred Drew drewwe at MORRISVILLE.EDU
Tue Jan 12 16:41:41 EST 1999

We are currently investigating using Microsoft NetMeeting to interact with
our patrons outside of the library.  It will be used for our "Talk to a
Librarian" service. I won't and don't want to discuss the pros and cons of
using Microsoft NetMeeting versus Netscape's product.  Our college wide
standard is Microsoft IE and related products. We are not a IBM Thinkpad
University with growing numbers of Thinkpads and growing connectivity for
our students and faculty.

My questions concern such things as:

1. what is the best directory server to point to?
2. anyone doing it now?
3. any problems?

I pointed to  It does not seem to be very stable.  Are
there other public servers that are stable?

Does the State University of New York have such a server up and running?

Wilfred Drew (Call me "Bill"); Associate Librarian (Systems, Reference)
President, SUNY Librarians Association (SUNYLA)
SUNY College of Ag. & Tech.;   P.O. Box 902;  Morrisville, NY 13408-0902
E-mail: drewwe at powwow:drewwe at
Phone: (315)684-6055 or 684-6060 Fax: (315)684-6115
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