Web Catalogs

Steve Bachman 4cty_steve at 4cty.org
Fri Feb 26 12:04:15 EST 1999

>I've been lurking for a little while, but now I have a question.
>First the background, I work at a public library system that provides an
online union catalog for our 43 member libraries. 
>One of our long range goals is to replace dumb terminals with PC's and
eventually make the Web OPAC the primary access tool for patrons.  We
>will be upgrading to DRA's WebII product this year.  
>Has a library that has already shifted emphasis to use of their OPAC in
the library had difficulty with patrons doing other things than searching
the catalog?  I can easily forsee a situation where all 
>of the PCs earmarked for catalog use are being used to surfing the
>What steps have been taken?  Signage? Time limits? Policies?
>Am I just paranoid?

Steve Bachman			 *  The large print  
4cty_steve at 4cty.org		 *  giveth,
Electronic Services Librarian	 *  and the small print
Four County Library System	 *  taketh away.
http://lib.4cty.org          	 *	    -Tom Waits	

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