Adding netscape to game computers

Peter Konshak pkonshak at
Wed Feb 24 10:54:13 EST 1999

Hi everyone,

We're planning to add Netscape to some of our game computers.  Here's the
problem.  Most of the games require Win95 to run at 640x480 with 256 color
display.  Obviously, many web pages do not look so hot in 256 color - we'd
prefer to use high color or true color.  Because these stations are locked
down with Fortres and Cooler, the patron can't get in to change the display
settings (thank heavens).  

Does anyone know of a utility which can be run before a program, which will
set the display settings?  That is, to run Netscape, we'd create a batch
file to run this utility to change the display to true color, then execute
Netscape, then switch back to 256 color upon closing.  It seems like one
should exist, but I can't find anything.  Any thoughts would be
appreciated.  Thanks,


Peter Konshak                             pkonshak at
Computer Technology Coordinator		
Carmel Clay Public Library    

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