[WEB4LIB] thankyou

Bob Rasmussen ras at anzio.com
Mon Feb 15 12:28:33 EST 1999

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Susan Acampora wrote:

> Thank you to all who responded to the anzio telnet problem we were
> having, especially Hagen Amen whose solution worked beautifully and Bob
> Long who referred me to a help page that answered other questions.
> I love this list and so appreciate your help.

Just wanted to say I wasn't ignoring you. I was out of town, and Hagen's
answer was right on the money. 

....Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.

personal e-mail: ras at anzio.com
 company e-mail: rsi at anzio.com or sales at anzio.com or support at anzio.com
 ftp://ftp.anzio.com               voice: 503-624-0360
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