[WEB4LIB] AOL Instant Messenger PopUp
bmenk at hampton.lib.nh.us
bmenk at hampton.lib.nh.us
Fri Feb 5 13:24:17 EST 1999
I haven't tried this recently, but the version of AIM that came with
Netscape 4.x could be done in by:
Allowing it to open, then dropping down the Misc menu and un-
checking the "open when starting Netscape" option. Then save the
change, and delete the directory it lives in. If you don't disable the
startup option first, you get this annoying error since it tries to find
AIM and can't.
Bobb Menk
On 5 Feb 99, Robert Battenfeld wrote:
> We have several NT machines that came loaded with the full version
> of Netscape with all the "bloatware." Is there a way to disable the AOL
> Instant Messenger "popup?." I tried removing the AOL messenger from the
> applications window but this doesn't eliminate that extremely annoying
> "popup" asking us EVERY morning to sign up. I was hoping to avoid
> uninstalling the full version and installing the standalone version.
> Thank you.
> Robert L. Battenfeld, Associate Professor
> Reference Librarian
> Southampton College Library/LIU
> 239 Montauk Highway
> Southampton New York 11968
> (516) 287-8379
> battenfeld at southampton.liu.edu
> http://www.southampton.liu.edu/library/library.htm
Bobb Menk, Internet Librarian, Lane Memorial Library
Hampton, NH 03842 603-926-3368
bmenk at hampton.lib.nh.us
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