Password protection and Win95

David Merchant merchant at
Mon Feb 8 16:52:47 EST 1999

I forgot to change the subject line.  Also, after some emails in response I
realize I need to add some more information: we don't have an NT network
here, no NT workstations, no NT servers.  We are just now getting people
upgraded from DOS and Win3.1 (on 286 and 386 machines) to Win95 (replacing
mother boards and adding memory so we can do that).

Anyway, the post:

Speaking of password protection, the windows logon password protection is
lame.  If a person puts in a wrong password, it does not let you in.  But,
if you decide to not put one in at all and just hit cancel, it lets you in.
 Hello?  That's protection?  ("Halt, what is the password?"   "I don't want
to tell you."  "Ok, you can enter...").  Any ideas of how to configure
Win95 to prevent circumventing the Windows logon password dialog box?  I
know that any solution will probably only be slightly better than the lousy
protection it gives now, but any improvement would be nice.  We're more
interested right now with keeping the honest honest.  We'll work on
tightening up more later, as time and monies permit.

Systems Librarian, Louisiana Tech University
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