Position - web Developer - Vanderbilt

Frances.Lynch at mcmail.vanderbilt.edu Frances.Lynch at mcmail.vanderbilt.edu
Mon Feb 22 14:49:36 EST 1999

Web Developer

The Annette and Irwin Eskind Biomedical Library (EBL) of
Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) in Nashville, TN
seeks a talented, innovative individual to join the Web
Development Group as a Health System Analyst Programmer I. Under
the supervision of the Coordinator of Web Development, the
developer will work closely with other members of the team and
with those responsible for departmental Web sites to develop
central Web applications, tools, and infrastructure to support
VUMC's rapidly growing Web presence.

Bachelor's degree in a computer related field, or equivalent
course work, technical training, or experience.

The successful candidate will have at least one year of
experience developing Web applications using PHP, Perl, Java, or
DHTML, or a combination of these languages. Familiarity with Unix
operating systems, especially Solaris or Linux, is preferred.
Experience developing database-driven Web sites, especially with
MySQL or Oracle, is also preferred, though not required. Other
useful experience includes Apache, mod_perl, and mod_jserv.

The Annette and Irwin Eskind Biomedical Library is the principal
health information delivery vehicle for Vanderbilt University
Medical Center and one of the cornerstones for its Community
Outreach program. The architecturally striking facility was
opened in March 1994 with state-of-the-art information management
systems and connectivity to the Medical Center fiber optic
network. The library, along with the Division of Biomedical
Informatics and the Information Management and Network Support
Group, form the Informatics Center. Members of the library work
in partnership with other researchers and developers in the
Informatics Center to innovate the delivery of health information
to the region. The Medical Center, which includes a 661 bed
hospital, state-of-the-art outpatient clinics, extensive research
facilities, and the Schools of Medicine and Nursing, is an
integral part of Vanderbilt's ten schools and colleges,
comprising 10,000 students and 1,600 full-time faculty members.
Vanderbilt is one of over 15 colleges and universities in
Nashville, Tennessee, the State Capital and home of the American
music industry. With a metropolitan population of one million
people, Nashville is a major business and education center for
the mid-South.

Salary is competitive, negotiable and commensurate with skills
and experience (min. $35,880). Insured benefits and leave
policies are those applicable to exempt status employees of
Vanderbilt University, including TIAA/CREF, Vanguard, and VALIC
retirement plan options. More information about benefits is
available at:

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until
a final candidate is selected. Qualified individuals should
submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses,
and telephone number of three references to:

Tommy Williams, Coordinator of Web Development
Eskind Biomedical Library
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
2209 Garland Ave, Room 001 EBL
Nashville, TN 37232-8340.
Fax: (615) 936-1384

If you prefer to submit your material electronically, send ASCII
text or Adobe Acrobat PDF files *ONLY* to
<Tommy.Williams at Vanderbilt.Edu> with the subject "System Analyst
Programmer I."

Vanderbilt University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer. Minorities, persons with disabilities, and women are
encouraged to apply.

If you would like to discuss this position before submitting an
application, please call 1-800-854-0451 and you will be put in
touch with a member of the hiring committee.


Tommy Williams
<mailto:Tommy.Williams at Vanderbilt.Edu>

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