teacher librarians need to develop

Michael Ming, Hung mmhung at hknet.com
Sun Dec 19 18:03:52 EST 1999

dear friends  

as we have asked the education department to lead the overall development
of the school libraries in hongkong, they are now looking for several ideas

1. criteria of choosing library automation system 
2. professional training curriculum of teacher-librarian

we really need that in a hurry
hope you can help
michael hung   ICQ=6638008
SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School, Librarian
HK Professional Teachers' Union, Teacher-librarians' Group, Chairman

Jesus Christ, is the same Yesterday and Today and Forever. ~Hebrew 13:8
Homepage = http://www.school.net.hk/~mmhung/
michael email: mmhung at school.net.hk [or] mmhung at hknet.com
ida email: idachan2 at hknet.com                          ida & michael Hung

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